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All marketing efforts aim to persuade you to purchase products or services. Lifestyle branding is just one of the many methods for doing this.

Brands that fit the lifestyle segment adopt a more approachable marketing strategy than sales-oriented brands.

To be successful, lifestyle brands have to appeal to the lifestyles of their consumers in addition to their products.


What is a Lifestyle Brand?

The best lifestyle brands can figure out what their customers want and tailor their offering to the experiences that their clients crave and to the people, things, and concepts that inspire them.


What is Lifestyle Branding?

Lifestyle branding refers to brand strategies used by lifestyle brands to know:

  • The target audience
  • The kind of lifestyle they desire
  • How to communicate it
  • How to make it happen

These details allow the brand to paint a picture of how its customers want their lives to look, feel, and most often what they need to do to reach those goals.


What’s so great about this?

Lifestyle brands are so powerful because of our strong desire for fulfilment.

Essentially, it’s a strategy that focuses on connecting your brand to your customers. In terms of lifestyle marketing, they’re not focused on one single product. Your lifestyle products will motivate them to buy other items and make it easier for you to keep them loyal long after they’ve purchased them.

Unlike traditional advertising, lifestyle branding is extremely effective and has a deeper impact. Additionally, it targets what potential customers want to do and how they hope to live.


Lifestyle Brand Example


As a lifestyle brand, Red Bull is unmatched. By creating a new energy drink category, Red Bull could do whatever it wanted. 

Lukasz Kurowski – the winner of qualifiers – crossing the finish line during Red Bull 111 Megawatt 2015 in Kleszczow, Poland on September 5th, 2015


By embedding themselves into extreme sports culture, they acquired ownership over the term “extreme.”.

Rather than just attending events in their niches, they started creating their events and capturing media for their platforms and respective brands.

They provide fans and professionals with access to the world of extreme sports with their media company and social media channels that connect them with branded content.


What’s the lesson?

Every successful lifestyle brand has one thing in common; they aim to help you achieve your desired lifestyle. They can do this because they understand their target audience and the kind of lifestyle they want. If people see you as a resource to fulfil their needs, they will naturally gravitate toward you. 

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We believe that there is power in refined creativity.

Our approach is thorough, extensive and articulate.  We seek to understand your brand and your consumer, who is the hero of every story.  Through our meticulous processes, we draw out the most important information about your brand as well as your consumer, and ensure you have internal clarity and are externally communicating in an effective and intentional manner that connects with your audience.